A Step By Step Tutorial On How To Setup Proxy Chains In Kali Linux
----------------------------- For Beginners : ----------------------------- If you have installed kali linux on a VMWare workstation or even on your physical machine, you may be able to try and use this steps mentioned in the tutorial. Stay anonymous using proxy chain on kali linux ------------------------------ Procedure : ----------------------------- Note your IP address and DNS address from google before doing this step ✔️Procedure 1: Edit the Proxychains configuration file inside ''etc'' folder nano /etc/proxychains.conf ✔️Procedure 2: (Now in the proxychains.conf file make the below changes) ⚠ Remove the # before dynamic change ⚠ Add the # before strict change ⚠ Remove the # before proxy dns request – no leak for dns data ⚠ In the [proxy list] add a line below socks4 – ⚠ Socks5 9050 ✔️Procedure 3: Check if your kali linux os has been installed with TOR service service tor status ✔️Procedure 4: If Tor service is Installed p...